Access to education is a universal right, not a privilege only a few!

Enshrined in the Portuguese Constitution, public school, free, democratic and quality is the right of all young Portuguese. However, that we still believe that studying in Portugal is free: education costs are constantly increasing, reaching, at present, unsustainable values ​​for a considerable part of the families of our country.


With the start of the school year, students are once again faced with a rise in school attendance costs. They are, two months after the start of school, many students who do not have textbooks and materials, for the inability to bear these costs which resulted, on average, values ​​between 480 and 540 euros. In addition, the most expensive photocopies, the prices of the highest bars and canteens the price that is now required for students to be able to go to a field trip, are factors that have contributed decisively to that many students are unable to study and perform well in schools.


In addition to the difficulties experienced since arriving to schools, transport costs are high, preventing many students to travel to their schools and forcing them to work to support such costs, or even leave school.


All these factors will be reflected ultimately in the national exams. Under cover of the claim to match the conditions of access to higher education, these are only an obstacle to further education, contributing to the gentrification of education. In addition to devalue the continuous evaluation, they ignore the colossal differences with the students from the outset they apply to their implementation – across the country, schools have different conditions, there are many classes with over 30 students in the learning It is complicated and not all students are able to obtain explanations out of school or to buy the manuals to support national exams as compensation.


The evolution of reality in schools of our country shows that, apart from the underfunding in public education, the aim of privatization and gentrification of access to education and knowledge is the way that the PS government, PSD and CDS have followed over the last 40 years.


Given this situation, the JCP and the PCP presents a number of measures based on the struggle waged daily in schools by students of basic and secondary education – including free school manuals and all other supporting materials, the immediate replacement of the Pass School 4_18 and the extinction of national tests aimed at enhancement of fair and continuous assessment – would contribute decisively to realize the right of all young people to study.
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The students were on the street again!

The start of this school year was marked by the worsening of material and human conditions in the schools of Basic and Secondary Education, as a result of cuts in funding for education that come from year to year, one brand of right-wing governments and their policies. These funding cuts are an attack on our right to study and translate the growing lack of material conditions and in several schools with stops works, lack of heating in classrooms, equipment can not be used result of high costs maintenance. This lack of investment in public schools is also reflected in the absence of employees, which means that in more and more schools services or are operating in a few hours or are privatized, examples of which are numerous cafeterias in northern schools the south of the country.

At the same time, hundreds students are forced to drop out of school because they can not afford the education often costs; and many others who have to work in order to pay for their studies.

For all these reasons, students of primary and secondary school took to the streets on November 5 in several municipalities in the district of Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra, Santarém, Aveiro, Leiria, Evora, Setubal, Braga and Algarve, claiming a change of policies and your right to a public school, free and quality.

The Portuguese Communist Youth, this solidarity with the students and with their fair CLAIMS and welcomes all those who took to the streets on November 5, reaffirming that is the strengthening and intensification of the struggle of the students who will pave the way for resolving their problems and the effectiveness of their right to public school, free and quality.



Editorial – AGIT 117

With the fight move!

The situation to which the country was conducted over 39 years of right-wing policies practiced by PS, PSD and CDS is the result of choice of these parties to benefit who else has the cost of the sacrifices of youth and workers, to lay on ahead of the country’s interests and the interests of the Portuguese people from other, attacking national sovereignty and throwing us to the economic decline and social regression. Option accompanied by the impoverishment of the democratic regime, in which the confrontation with the Constitution is the most visible element.

However, it is not the insistence on policies that led Portugal to the economic and social gap, affecting all sectors of society and particularly the youth, which will reverse the way for disaster.

The solution to the country’s problems requires a break with the right policy and the affirmation and construction of an alternative political, patriotic and left. A policy that necessarily must be based on economic growth and employment, development for workers, their wages and rights, in defense of public services of the social functions of the state in which it operates Education, and the affirmation of the right of Portugal to a sovereign development.

The legislative elections of the 4th of October showed that most Portuguese want a different direction in national politics. The loss of more than 700 thousand votes and 25 deputies of the coalition of PSD / CDS expressed an undeniable condemnation of the policies of the past four years. The mass struggle, intense and prolonged, the youth, the workers and the people caught in the last four years was decisive for the electoral defeat of PSD and CDS and changing the balance of power in parliament.

The CDU, Democratic Coalition Unit, attended by the CFP, has increased steadily in the last five elections its electoral results in votes, percentage and deputies, currently has 17 elected. An outcome all the more important when built under an intense ideological campaign and election conditioning, blackmail and fear. A campaign marked by discriminatory media framework, marked by the devaluation of CDU and its intervention, and the applicant filtering of its political message, in stark contrast to the promotion dedicated to others or blatant polarization, that the televised debates were greater example .

Already after the elections, Cavaco Silva – who tried by all means to erase the heavy defeat imposed by the Portuguese people to the government of PSD / CDS, and even nominate illegitimately Pedro Passos Coelho as prime minister of a government with contentados days and completely defeated the political and social point of view – returned to take an attitude of disregard for the Constitution and resistance to accept the sovereign decision of the Portuguese people.

But as the PCP said on day night 4 October, at the outcome of the parliamentary elections and change in the composition of forces in parliament, they were created conditions to end the government of PSD / CDS and the formation of a government PS, opening doors to a different political course for our country.

This is the responsibility that is imposed realized – to seek a policy that addresses the most pressing problems of the Portuguese, employment, wages and income, rights, social functions of the state and public services, including health, education, social security and culture – and that was the purpose for which PS and PCP tried to respond over a struggling mutual approach to identify materials, measures and solutions that can translate an indispensable sign of change, without, however, ignore the distinct nature of the programs of the two parties, but above all, trying to identify a set of issues that can ensure a prompt response to the legitimate aspirations of the Portuguese people seeing their income recovered, returned their rights, guaranteed better living conditions.

And so, on 10 November was approved (with the votes of members of the PS, PCP, PEV, BE and PAN) a rejection of motion to the PSD government program / CDS, rejection corresponding to the aspirations and will of thousands of workers concentrated in front of parliament, demanding, beyond the government’s resignation, the end of its policy and the effectiveness of their demands: raising the minimum wage, the replacement of wages and rights stolen over the last four years, an end to insecurity, unemployment and a dignified life in their country.

The consummation of the Government’s defeat of PSD / CDS and its policy is the result of an intense process of struggle developed by the workers, the youth and for our people, persistent, courageous and tenacious way in the workplace, in schools and on the streets is the sum of each general strike, every demonstration, every concentration of each apitão, each petition streamlined over the past four years. Was organized and mass motor struggle that led discontent, protest and confidence that it is possible and necessary to change the political course of our country, and will be the mass struggle, which necessarily has continued and intensified, the decisive factor for the effectiveness of the change that the youth and the people aspire and alternative policy that the country needs – patriotic and left – that put the April values ​​in the future of Portugal.

The mobilization and strengthening of the Portuguese youth fights are fundamental to defend and carry rights, ensuring that all have a dignified life and to be happy in our country.

On that same day of 10 November of the defeat of the consummation of the Government PSD / CDS, it was pointed out the 36 anniversary of the Revolutionary Organization of the Portuguese Youth, JCP. More than three decades side by side with the Portuguese youth to fight for the realization of their desires and aspirations, to defend the April achievements, paving the way for the transformation of society and an end to exploitation of man by man.

As we celebrate another anniversary of the JCP, we celebrate 36 years of the struggle of the Portuguese youth the right to live and be happy in your country, a struggle that continues and intensifies with each passing day.

It is a policy framework so complex and so demanding, that the action of enlightenment and mobilization of the communists among the youth in schools and local labor is of utmost importance. The Portuguese youth know that the Communists who are on the front line and assume a leading role in defending their rights, and know that we are and we are where we have always been: to assume our role as vanguard organization, giving confidence, joy, with confidence and determination we have always had for agitation and for the fight, it is imperative to develop and intensify to solve their problems for the defense and the conquest of rights.

Strengthening JCP, as the vanguard organization of the Portuguese youth, it is a key issue for the development and elevation of the fight, and so the National Directorate of JCP defined lines of work to strengthen the organization of the IOC, with a year beginning in January 2016, with the aim of intensifying variously our intervention with the youth, so that more young people to organize and take party for the defense of their rights.

Fight being waged on several fronts: the defense of free public education, as evidenced with the struggle of the students of the Elementary and Secondary Education on the 5th November; the right to work and to work with rights, as demonstrated on 10 November to manifestation of the CGTP-IN forward to Parliament; by a higher education public, free and quality, as claimed students in the various actions of struggle that took place during the month of November; but also the right to housing, sport, culture; in short, in defense of the April achievements enshrined in the Portuguese Constitution (CRP).

It is for the defense and for the enforcement of the April achievements that will catch the next Presidential elections in January 2016, precisely in the year that marks the 40th anniversary of the Portuguese Constitution.

The candidacy of Edgar Silva takes over as main objective the defense of the values ​​and ideals April, established the PRC. It is therefore the candidacy of all those who defend April and who aspire to fulfilling their achievements. The President of the Republic competes not rule before giving expression to the oath that is the moment that is elected: protect, fulfill and enforce the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.

This is why the candidacy of Edgar Silva is yours, our bid for the Presidential Elections, and, in the strength and confidence of the struggle we fight every day to meet in April, we will make this application the youth application, workers and the Portuguese people, saying that we have solution, uphold and enforce the Constitution.

Thus, in a demanding and complex political and social framework, but with lots of potential, appeal to youth to be organized and to continue its fight in defense of their rights, it is the fight we move forward and the struggle we have achieved more future for all in our country!